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Skydive Czech Republic

Loosova 262/1, 638 00 Brno

IČ: 277 05 587
DIČ: CZ277 05 587

Open: Mo – Fri: 9:00 – 17:00

HOT-LINE: +420 724 175 175

Mo – Fri: 9:00 – 18:00
Sat – Sun: 8:00 – 18:00

Company management
Mgr. Martin Dlouhý – company executive director

Information, accomodation, catering
Zuzana Gruntová – Office manager
Telefon: +420 724 175 175

Registration, information
Tereza Partsch – Marketing manager
Telefon: +420 724 313 414


Skydive Czech Republic together with JUMP-TANDEM company is the biggest Skydiving community in Czech Republic. We are focusing on Skydiving education, safety, school, tandems, fun and competitions. What does it mean?

  • On the education field we run many Canopy piloting courses, Formation skydiving couching, FreeFly couching, Wingsuit courses and lot more.

  • Safety related we are the biggest Safety Day and only one USPA Safety Day organizer in Czech Republic and do on daily bases educate all skydivers about basic and advanced safety rules and procedures. We we emphasize emergency procedures as well as canopy emergency procedures.

  • Our AFF skydiving school is the largest in Czech Republic and produced dosens of well prepared skydivers every year. After AFF course we continue with the Integrated Student Program and continue with more complex education.

  • About tandem jumps we are organizing tindem jumps mostly from 4200m but as well from 6000m. We are constantly jumping tandems at two Dropzones one in Czech region closest to Prague - Příbram and one in Moravia - Prostějov - the competition venue of this FAI World Cuo and European Championships

  • Every week we organize hundreds of fun jumps with load organizers or just for fun

  • below this is our FAI competition history. Aside of this we did organize many Czech National Championships and other competitions

mapa světa

What we have done:

2024 World Parachuting Championships

2023 European Championships and Parachuting World Cup

2018 World Parachuting Championships

2014 Parachuting World Championships and World Cup

European Parachuting Championships and World Cup

Vector festival in 2011 and 2012

2009 European Parachuting Championships and World Cup

2005 European Parachuting Championships


According to FAI Rules - FAI SPORTING CODE Section 5 – Skydiving article the information about officials can not be published before the Official Bulletin No. 1 publishing date on April the 15th.

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