Come and see the FAI European Championships and FAI Skydiving World Cup 2025 and experience the adrenaline rush firsthand! Championships will be held from August 16 to August 21, 2025 at Prostejov Airport.
Here you can see incredible acrobatics and masterful performances of the best skydivers from all over the world, and the accompanying program will be rich.
What's on you at the airport campus JUMP-TANDEM waiting?
Fascinating disciplines:
Flying Acrobatic Wingsuit: aerial acrobatics of pairs, when planes are replaced by 'bird jumpsuits'
Wingsuit Performance Flying: extreme feats in length, distance and speed during flight in a wingsuit jumpsuit.
In order to watch this world competition, there will be large screens installed at the airport, where we will see the acrobats from the camera's shot and this will make us feel as if we are alone in the air and flying it with the competitors.
You will also have a lot of fun at the airport. There is an accompanying program for children and adults, restaurants, stalls, swimming pool, swings, trampoline and other activities for individuals and whole families.
Do not miss this unique opportunity and come and enjoy the adrenaline atmosphere of the FAI European Championship and the Skydiving World Cup 2025!
Tandem skydive - experience an unforgettable experience with tandem skydiving from a height of 4000 meters! You can fly in a plane together with competitors and European Champions.
This unique experience awaits you right at the airport. Don't forget to call ahead and reserve your place. An opportunity that does not repeat itself awaits you!
Sightseeing flight - fly in a small plane over the racecourse or you can fly further and see the castle Bouzov, Kosíř, Olomouc, Svatý kopeček or even Hostýn from the air.
- freefall trainer
- landing accuracy trainer
- competitions for children and adults
- inflatable castle
- zorbing
- other attractions
In addition, you can also compete for tandem skydive and it's right here.
Come and enjoy a great day full of adrenaline and fun for the whole family!
Here you will find instructions on how to reach us.
Opening Ceremony
Time: 6 p.m.
Location: Airport in Prostějov
Description: Opening ceremony where all teams and individuals are introduced. It will be a spectacular show full of music, colour and enthusiasm
Competition Days
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Location: Airport in Prostějov
Description: Come see the daily competitive jumps and support your favorites. With a great cheer, you can give the racers even more strength for racing.
Competitive skydiving
Time: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Location: Airport in Prostějov
Closing Ceremony, Award Ceremony and Appointment of European Champions
Time: 7 p.m.
Venue: Tennis hotel, airport Prostejov
Final Banquet and Party
Time: 9 p.m. - 24 p.m.
Venue: Tennis hotel, airport Prostejov
Date: August 11, 2025 - August 14, 2025
Come see the daily competitive jumps and support your favorites. With a great cheer, you can give the competitors even more strength in the race and thus possibly support new World and Continental records. At the closing ceremony, come to celebrate the new European Champions and share the joy of their achievements.
Admission: It's free
Lots of snacks
Places for spectators: Comfortable and well-situated seats for spectators and bleachers, so that spectators have the best view of all the events.
Transportation and parking: Sufficient parking capacity
Come and support all the racers and give them strength with your cheers.
Experience unforgettable experiences full of adrenaline and sports enthusiasm.
We look forward to seeing you at the European Skydiving Championships 2025!
It is a competition in which teams face off in an aerial duel and show off their best aerial skills to impress the jury. The competition is aimed at two-man teams with a camera aviator and includes both compulsory moves and free rounds.
Povinné figury jsou náhodně vybírány ze střemhlavého bazénu s řadou smyček, kotoulů, přechodů a dokluzu. Ve volných kolech mají týmy za úkol jít ohromit porotu a kolegy piloty wingsuitů kreativitou a letovými dovednostmi.
Týmy získávají body nejen za počet předvedených figur, ale také za práci s kamerou a styl letu. Styl létání je v těchto typech soutěží wingsuitů klíčovým prvkem, protože právě on nutí týmy létat co nejlépe. Body za styl se udělují za polohu těla, plynulost letu, kontrolované dokluzy a rychlost letu vpřed.
This format measures three different wingsuit pilot performance parameters (best buoyancy, least drag, and best glide) and combines them into one result. Practically, it is performed during a minimum of three separate jumps using identical equipment, with each jump dedicated to individual tasks:
European Championships and Parachuting World Cup 2024
European Championships and Parachuting World Cup 2023
2018 World Parachuting Championships
2014 Parachuting World Championships and World Cup
2012 European Parachuting Championships and World Cup
Vector festival in 2011 and 2012
2009 European Parachuting Championships and World Cup
2005 European Parachuting Championships